Ardra Nakshatra - Vedic Astrology Predictions

Ardra Nakshatra

Ardra Nakshatra 

The word Ardra means the power to attain gains by working hard towards it. Ardra Nakshatra stands for transformation and destruction. Ardra Nakshatra depicts a few unmet desires of the past life being carried forward to the present life embodied in our subconscious. The female gender of Ardra nakshatra is governed by Rahu, whereas Rudra- the lord of storms is the Hindu deity of the nakshatra. The natives born in Ardra nakshatra have the destructive abilities of Lord Rudra and Lord Shiva. People born in this nakshatra have extreme emotions. These people are either very happy or very angry. Emotions for Ardra Nakshatra natives are not balanced. Native-born under Ardra Nakshatra is very probing and hardworking individuals. These natives set their targets on their goals and work towards achieving these goals. This Nakshatra is a sensitive star that is linked with sensitivity and emotion and natives born in these Nakshatra are truthful, compassionate, and have strong communication.

Ardra Nakshatra in Astrology

Ardra Nakshatra ranges from 6:40 –20 in the Gemini zodiac sign and is characterized by the word ‘Teardrop’. Ardra Nakshatra means moist or wet and that is why the natives of Ardra Nakshatra are soft, stable, strong, sacrifice a lot to earn, and are prone to sickness, fear, and anger.

Characteristics of Male Natives of Ardra Nakshatra 

Character or Personality:

Ardra Nakshatra natives happily do all the work given to them, and they do it in a responsible way. In general meetings, they set the tone with a humorous disposition and become the center of attraction. Their intuition is sharp and they are good psychologists. With friends and relatives, they will behave in an amicable way, but on rare occasions, they may be thankless to people who do them a favor.

Profession and Related Areas:
Ardra Nakshatra natives have the ability to acquire a wide range of general knowledge and have a good memory. They are also compassionate and cool-headed so even during times of difficulties, they can maintain their equanimity. They rarely stick to just one type of work and like to multi-task. They respect the opinions of their co-workers, even when they do not agree with them. Generally, they settle down for work away from home, or maybe even in foreign countries. Work-wise, they will peak between the age of 32 and 42.

Compatibility and Family Life:
Ardra Nakshatra natives are likely to have delayed marriage. But if it takes place early, it is unlikely that they will be able to live together with their spouse due to practical compulsions, or maybe even incompatibility. They will face several problems in their married life, but will not let it show on their face. But a late marriage will be very good for them, as their spouse will take very good care of them.

Health and Well-Being: 
Natives of Ardra Nakshatra are likely to be plagued by some diseases, which may even be incurable. They have to be careful against paralysis, and heart and dental problems. They may also contract asthma, dry cough, or some kind of hearing impairment.

Characteristics of Female Natives of Ardra Nakshatra 

Character Or Personality:

Female natives of Ardra Nakshatra are well-mannered and are of a peaceful disposition. On a financial basis, she can be a spendthrift. She can be intelligent and helpful, but sometimes can be very fussy and may find fault in trivial things. Some of the female genders of Ardra Nakshatra are likely to have parents who have divorced many times.

Profession and Related Areas
Ardra Nakshatra female natives are bound to fare well in their education, and then later in the research or scientific fields. She usually specializes in electronics engineering or in pharmacist-related professions. These women can also earn a lot as freelance consultants.

Compatibility and Family Life
Like the male side of Ardra Nakshatra, the females of Ardra Nakshatra also generally go in for late marriage. But the females of these Nakshatra cannot enjoy requited love and do not earn the affection of their husband or their family. The married life of her will never be smooth, and even her children cannot become a source of happiness for her. It has been observed that either her husband dies or she has to undergo a painful divorce in some cases.

Health and Well-Being
The Ardra Nakshatra female natives have been noticed to suffer from menstrual problems, asthma, and problems related to blood like uterus, ear, nose, and throat.

Ardra Nakshatra Padas:

Ardra Nakshatra 1st Pada: First pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in Sagittarius Navamsa, governed by Jupiter. During this phase, there is curiosity and the desire to explore in the natives of Ardra Nakshatra. Planets in the first pada of Ardra Nakshatra are relaxed but may lead to material excesses. It is like the calmness before the storm and things do not look too rosy. 

Ardra Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsa, ruled by Saturn. This pada of Ardra Nakshatra signifies all kinds of material ambitions and frustrations. The negative qualities of Ardra Nakshatra generally surface during this quarter. The storm has strengthed here; because of this planets bring problems & misadventure in life

Ardra Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa, ruled by Saturn and it signifies a scientific nature. The storm is at its peak in this pada and thus provides sudden bursts of inspiration and intense mental activity. 

Ardra Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. This pada signifies sensitivity and compassion. During this time the natives of Ardra Nakshatra will have a strong urge to help underprivileged people. In this pada, the storm has almost passed, and the atmosphere is pervaded by a growing peace, and the results during this phase are unusually positive.

Important aspects of the Ardra Star:

The deities of Ardra Nakshatra: Rudra, the Lord of Storms

Favorable letter of Ardra Nakshatra: K, G, N, C

Lucky stone of Ardra Nakshatra: Gomedha

Lucky color of Ardra Nakshatra: Green

Lucky number of Ardra Nakshatra: 4

Meaning of Ardra Nakshatra: Moist or wet

Ardra Nakshatra Lord: Durga

Ardra Nakshatra Common Name: Long Pepper

Ardra Nakshatra Astronomical Name: Betelgeuse

Ardra Nakshatra Botanical Name: Piper longum

Ardra Nakshatra Yoni/Animal Symbol: Female Dog

Ardra Nakshatra Tree: Rakta Kadira or Krishna Kadira

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