8 Lo Shu Grid All Planes

LO SHU GRID - The Lo Shu Grid, a fascinating ancient Chinese divination tool, unfolds into six distinct planes, each offering profound insights into different facets of our existence. Let's delve into the intricacies of the Horizontal and Vertical planes.

Horizontal Plane In Lo Shu Grid:

Mental Plane (4, 9, 2): At the zenith of the grid lies the Mental Plane, adorned with the numbers 4, 9, and 2. This ethereal realm unveils the tapestry of our thoughts, imagination, and creativity. It is a sanctuary where the seeds of innovative ideas and intellectual prowess take root, shaping the landscape of our mental realm.

Emotional Plane (3, 5, 7): Nestled in the middle, the Emotional Plane bears the imprint of 3, 5, and 7. Here, emotions, intuitions, and spirituality intertwine, casting a spell that defines the contours of our innermost feelings. It serves as a compass guiding us through the labyrinth of our emotional experiences, fostering a deeper connection with our intuitive self.

Practical Plane (8, 1, 6): Descending to the lowest realm, the Practical Plane bears the weight of 8, 1, and 6. This solid foundation embodies physical labor, practical creativity, and the tangible outcomes of our endeavors. It is a realm where ideas take tangible form, and our hands weave the fabric of our practical contributions to the world.

Vertical Plane In Lo Shu Grid:

Thought Plane (4, 3, 8):
Within the vertical expanse, the Thought Plane emerges, bearing the numerical insignias 4, 3, and 8. This is the arena of our thinking and reasoning power, where the symphony of logic and analysis orchestrates the melody of our cognitive prowess. It is the stage where ideas are born, refined, and transformed into coherent thoughts.

Will Plane (9, 5, 1): The Will Plane, graced by the numbers 9, 5, and 1, unfolds as a testament to our willpower. Here, determination and resolve take center stage, propelling us forward through challenges and obstacles. It is a reservoir of inner strength, where the seeds of perseverance blossom into the fruits of achievement.

Action Plane (2, 7, 6): Completing the ensemble, the Action Plane resonates with the dynamic energies of 2, 7, and 6. This is the theater of our karmic power, where intentional actions and their consequences converge. It is the realm where deeds unfold, shaping the trajectory of our life's journey and influencing the cosmic dance of cause and effect.

In the harmonious interplay of these planes, the Lo Shu Grid weaves a narrative of balance, offering profound insights into the intricate dance of our mental, emotional, and practical dimensions, guided by the pillars of thought, will, and action.

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